Monday, July 2, 2007

Wow, look at that, Monday

I've had a few problems in the last week with silly things. Stuff like being banned by Google Adsense, the napkins used in the plonc experiment starting to grow mold, and so on. This led to a large decrease in motivation to do anything. Hence there are no updates planned for today or any other time this week.

However, I will not let this setback stop me from publishing the websites, I will just let it delay me for a short period. So, once I have got motivation back, there will be some more movies reviewed, some more recipes, some more stain fixing experiments, and even some more websites.

Also, the first photo on photoprojects has been posted. Check it out here.

That is all


halfhaggis said...

Did you swear at Google, or something?

Maybe mouldy plonk napkins could be the well-matured option?

kittychunk said...

Pesky mondays. They creep up on ya.

Perhaps we can have a sideline to the plonk wine napkins - cheese napkins! Rub them with various unusual and interesting cheeses and allow them to grow interesting patterns...