Monday, May 28, 2007

Website almost functional

So, I had wanted to get 2 websites up and running today, and instead I managed to get about 2/3rds of one. This is still OK seeing as how I wanted them both fully functional by the end of the month.

So, the website that is functional is best biscuits. Basically I plan for this one to be a collection of biscuit recipes. should it prove successful, the types of recipes on it may expand. But for now, biscuits seem to be worth focusing on.

That is all

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Watch this Space

Well, actually, this space isn't going to be doing a whole lot. But I plan on having at least one website up from next week, and possibly 2 or 3 depending on how enthusiastic I am over the weekend.

These sites are ideas I've had for a while, but I've never done anything about them, so their time has come.

That is all

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

9 is not a temperature

So, winter has finally arrived and with it single figure maximum temperatures are here. As far as I am concerned, 9 is not a temperature, 9 is a rating, as in on a scale of 1 - 10 how cold is it.

In other news I have finally gotten round to getting an adsense account and started messing around with the adsense layout's etc. This is in an effort to finally get some sites that I have been thinking about up and running. So please pop through and click on some ads so that I can test the interface out. In case you have forgotten my address, it's here.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Stuff and More Stuff

It's been a while and I was hoping to resurrect the "Dodgy Movie Review" but alas, Spiderman 3 was sold out this weekend and the review will thus have to wait.

Instead of Spiderman, however, we have found a new series called Heroes. The first 12 episodes were watched in close succession over the weekend and the remainder will need to be obtained and viewed.

In other news, contact lenses have been obtained and are being worn. We will just have to see if they can be worn continuously at work or if I'll have the same problems I experienced before.

That is all