Friday, June 8, 2007

Writing things

So, I'm trying to subsidise my income through a variety of methods. One of these led me to a writing site called Helium. This is an interesting idea, and we will see whether it pays off or not.

Perusing the site I saw a debate titled Who would win a lightsabre duel, Darth Vader or Darth Maul, and seeing the serious nature of the issue, I decided to put my 2 cents worth in. Check it out.

Darth Vader Takes Darth Maul

That is all


halfhaggis said...

The quality of articles at Helium is kind of questionable.

I'm hoping that this is because the site is relatively young, and hasn't got enough content for quality to actually float to the top yet.

I'm worried that the poor quality will amalgamate into a massive viscous mess that nothing can actually float in, leaving the good stuff stuck somewhere inaccessible.

halfhaggis said...

Although, having just finished reading your article, there may be some hope.

halfhaggis said...

Dude! They are totally robbing you blind over at Helium. Over-serious fanboys are obviously reviewing your article
